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Pioneers Ghana has more than twenty-five-year ministry experience in Ghana and over thirty years of exposure globally. As a global movement, we are linked with movements that have been serving in various parts of the globe for hundreds of years. This page is about finding opportunities to serve and glorify God among unreached people groups. 

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While the hope of the gospel has been spreading for thousands of years, billions of people have not yet had an opportunity to hear it. Determined to reach the ends of the earth with the Good News, we are dedicated to the relentless pursuit of the unreached.


Pioneers-Ghana is a faith-based mission, and most of its personnel depend on the Lord to provide for their daily life and ministry. Teams of churches and individuals partner together with each worker to provide their necessary prayer support, salary, and work expenses. 



Pioneers-Ghana sees partnership with your local church as our role as you send missionaries to the unreached. The church, missionary, and mission agency each bring a unique, God-given design, perspective, and strengths to global outreach. We maximize such resources when we intentionally work together. That’s why we partner with the local church. Learn how Pioneers partners with the local church by clicking the link below.

Holding Hands


“In no other way can the believer become as fully involved with God’s work, especially the work of world evangelism, as in intercessory prayer.”Dick Eastman


There are many different strategies for reaching the unreached with the gospel. But perhaps the most powerful is the most simple: prayer. Get updates on Pioneers-Ghana's misisonary efforts and join us in PRAYER. 


Pioneers-Ghana empowers gospel-driven Christians to go to the ends of the earth together in relentless pursuit of the unreached.

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Pioneers-Ghana is a registered non-profit in Ghana, affiliated to Pioneers International based in Orlando, Florida. Its parent organization is Pioneers-Africa.

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